The programme is open to new ideas, ways of thinking and working. We are interested in building collaborations and support the creation of new works or exhibitions.TYPA is an international institution and its residency. It appreciates the new viewpoints that come along with cultural exchange. Different backgrounds, people and cultures develop tolerance and refresh our view of the world.

Although the main focus is international, we consider Estonian artists as well: we want to provide a platform to all, based on art over nationality.

Artists bring a fresh approach to our collection and working with our artists, we seek mutual support. We help them realise their ideas, and in return, we learn new knowledge and approaches.

We believe in finding sustainable approaches and having to adapt our ways of working in the face of a changing planet. We want our artists to contribute to this ethos.

Accommodation takes the form of a basic apartment in the centre of Tartu. The apartment contains a double bed, private bathroom and shower, a kitchen and desk space. The apartment is centrally located but have small bathrooms and are modestly decorated. Partners are welcome, but the apartment is not large enough for a family.

Artists will have full access to a large shared studio space, with a large table space, exposure unit, etching press, relief press, sink and use of shared equipment and inks. Experienced artists are free to use the equipment in the exhibition room, bearing in mind that TYPA is open for visitors from Wednesday to Sunday and machinery is required in certain museum demonstrations or workshops.

Photos of the accommodation

The fees for the residency are 350 Euros per month which includes:

accommodation, use of the studio and equipment, technical support, exhibition space and promotion.

Specialist equipment, tools etc. will have to be purchased by the artist, but please discuss with needs with us, and we can see what arrangements can be made.

We will be able to provide artists with any written support for funding.

Artists are expected to work in a respectful manner, taking responsibility for their own safety and the safety of those around them, and keeping shared working areas clean. Alongside the lectures at Pallas, the artist will be expected to make one public outcome during their residency time; this can take the form of an artist talk, exhibition, open studio, workshop, etc. We also encourage the integration into Tartu’s creative community -through hosting artists dinners, tours and connecting artists to local events.