Open Wed–Sun 12:00-18:00 Ticket 13 € / 7 € CALENDAR VISIT US WORKSHOPS AEPM 2024 WOW

TYPA was founded in the spring of 2010 as a private museum to fill the gap within memory institutions and save the last surviving letterpress machines and equipment. Since its establishment, its aim has been to work as a functioning museum and visitor centre. In 2020, we received the ILUCIDARE Special Prize for our innovative approach, which was awarded for our distinctive solution to preserving cultural heritage.

TYPA Centre
TYPA CentreEvent
Start: kell 17.00

According to the feedback from Tripadvisor, we are ranked 1st among the 124 institutions and 28 museums in Tartu.

Maintaining old printing presses is not easy – they need warmth and light, a caring hand, and lots of machine oil. We offer both individuals and businesses the opportunity to support the preservation of our historical printing heritage in a truly unique way: by adopting some of the devices in our collection.

Adopt a printing press

As a printing museum, it is important to preserve and pass on the secrets of the art of printing, which we can do best through our variety of workshops. There you will have the opportunity to try out different historical printing techniques or make paper by hand.
