TYPA ResidencyArtist in residence

Matti Dubee born 1972. is a Canadian artist who completed his sculpture studies at the Shanghai University of Art in 1993. In 2012 his first exhibition of ‘Dali Paper’ – a self-invented form of papier-mâché. Matti’s largest exhibition, However, Matti’s largest solo exhibition “Dreams” was exhibited in 2018 in China.

Although Matti Dubee’s sculptures draw attention to ecology, biodiversity and energy saving, the artist wants to inspire people to positively influence the world around him with his work.

The concept of recycling, or even more effective – of up-cycling, derives from the material used to make the sculptures – newspapers. They are the oldest and one of the most uneconomical mass communication media, which under Matti’s hand become unique works of art that convey ideas and emotions. The artist uses a unique “Dali paper” technique, which gives newspaper sculptures an aesthetic finish reminiscent of marble. “Dali paper” is a technique created by Matti himself, the name of which comes from the pun between Chinese marble (Dali stone) and the place where the technique was created.

Inspired by feminine forms, the artist creates a series of sculptures that ignore the force of gravity and create apparent mobility for still images. In his sculptures, Matti combines the power and fragility of nature and thus illustrates the impact of man on the environment.

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