On September 16th the Indian artists Harekrishna Talukdar and Purabi Baruah will stage a combined dance and sculpture based performance titled “Desire-resiDe” in the Tartu Uus Teater. The performance starts at 19:00 and lasts for 45 minutes. Afterwards, the authors will be available for questions. The event is free.
The authors explain their performance as follows:
The naming ‘Desire-resiDe’ is an idea while we were trying to sum up our conclusion into a concept. It is also then quite interestingly observed about how these two words contains similar no. of letters and individually meaningful and co-dependent. Desire is an acute will towards acquiring a particular pleasure may be physical, intellectual, sexual or emotional. Reside, again has two fold of understanding in its concept: firstly, it is the place of dwelling the desire (human body) and secondly, the house where human reside.
Desire may be also called power (or Shakti) which is uplifted to divine energy. Shakti is believed as power goddess who is the power of life and death, construction and destruction through the human body.
The performance ‘desire reside’ is a depiction of bodily desire which is fulfilled while it is enlighten with divinity resides within self.
According to ancient Vedic scripture the entire universe and every living and non element in it including our body is composed of the five elements-earth, space, fire, water and air. In our bodies: earth gives shape, figure and smell to our body, spaces provide sounds in the body, fire gives thirst and hunger, water supports fluids and blood in the body and air gives feeling of touch in the body and air gives feeling of touch in the body. It teaches us how to live in perfect equilibrium and harmony, by balancing these five elements in their proper proportion. This enhances the flow of life energy within a home or other building.
The proposed event will be a visual based performance art where dance is used in an implicit manner as well as an interdependent dance experiments. The total performance will be based on traditional Indian art and culture and its performing style.
The artists
Harekrishna Talukdar and Purabi Baruah come from Assam, a North Eastern part of India. Assam has its original naming ‘Kamarupa’ (kama means desire and rupa means form) from the History which interestingly signify the meaning ‘form of desire’. The names of the artists are Harekrishna Talukdar and Purabi Baruah.
Followup event “Split”
On Monday, September 17th a followup event will be staged in the Tartu city center. The houses created and used during the performance will be set on display in locations accessible to the public. Bypassers can extend and add to the sculptures. In the evening, the sculptures will be “spilt up” or ritually destroyed.
More information will be available soon.
Harekrishna Talukdar and Purabi Baruah