TYPA ResidencyArtist in residence

Linoleum etching workshop

Sunday, August 26th 11:00

Robyn Smith is an Australian painter/printmaker with more than 40 years of experience. As part of her art residency in the Printing Museum, in Tartu, Robyn will hold a public workshop on the less well known technique of linoleum etching on August 26th starting at 11:00. The workshop is suitable for professionals as well as beginners. As the number of participants is limited, please register at Participation fee € 10 includes materials and can be  paid in cash on Sunday.

Linoleum etching

This technique combines the traditional intaglio type making with relief printing techniques. A caustic solution, such as “Toru Siil” will be used either to coat lino on which an artwork has been painted with liquid beeswax, or else the caustic can be painted directly onto the lino.  The results can be unpredictable, but the technique is highly suitable for soft imagery, calligraphy and other freeform prints. So take with you some ideas for an artwork of about A5 size.

Also, please try to grab with you an old toothbrush for removing etched out parts of linoleum. More experienced participants, who would like to print by hand, should also take with them a sheet of suitable relief printing paper, and possibly a wooden spoon.

About Robyn

Robyn Smith, born in 1945, has spent the better part of her life as a visual artist and lecturer. She studied initially in Munich, Germany, and has since been active in the professional association“Sydney Printmakers”, exhibiting her work in Australia and internationally in Russia, UK, Spain and Finland among others. During her residency in Tartu, an exhibition of her paintings will go on display in Finland and Sweden.

Robyn has now establised her private studio in St. Petersburg, Russia. She applied for the Tartu Artist in Residence program to gain new inputs from a neighbouring area. After finishing her residency in Tartu, she will spend yet more time in Tallinn, working in painting and mixed media. You can find out more about Robyn and her art at

Robyn has also been deeply impressed by the facilities and mission of the Printing Museum, and in addition to the public workshop, she will be publishing an article about the museum and the AiR project in the magazine of the Australian Print Council, “Imprint”

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