TYPA ResidencyArtist in residence

On the evening of the 27th of December, Joey Hannaford is inviting everyone who loves storytelling, art and music to the cozy bookstore Fahrenheit 451. Joey is a graphic designer from North-America who has spent the month of December creating a crankie together with his husband Jim Anderson. The quiet post-Christmas time is perfect to get cozy and hypnotized by a fascinating story, beautiful illustrations and engaging banjo tunes.

The event is perfect for children 🙂
The event will only take place one time on the 27th of December at 4pm

“Crankies” are part of traditional storytelling traditions in remote corners of the American Southern Appalachian mountains. A crankie is a very simple idea: a roll of paper containing silhouetted images is illuminated from behind with either a candle or a lightbulb. The crankie images are then slowly turned as a story, song or poem is performed. The people of Appalachia were very poor, so part of the tradition is that the crankie is made from very simple materials at hand such as items from nature or fabric and paper scraps.

Inspired by this tradition, American artist Joey Hannaford and her husband, musician Jim Anderson are seeking to interpret Estonian themes using found materials to produce crankies while during their time in Tartu. They will perform American folk tunes while showing off the crankies they have made using the wealth of resources they have discovered at the Estonian Paper and Print Museum and other sources in Tartu.

The event is supported by the Estonian Printing and Paper Museum and the City of Tartu

Joey Hannaford is in Tartu as part of the Tartu municipal residency program. The Tartu Artist in Residence program is financed by the City of Tartu and implemented by the Estonian Printing and Paper Museum. For more information about the project and future artists, visit

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