TYPA ResidencyArtist in residence

18.04.2016-25.04.2016 | Mon-Sat 12.00-18.00 | Trükimuuseum, Kastani 42, TARTU
An OPENING EVENT will be held on Mo,day 18th of April at 18.00, with a live performance by singer Auli Kütt, bringing the ancient Estonian runic songs (regilaul) to life.

28.04.2016-04.05.2016 | Mon-Sat 12.00-18.00 | Grusbeke Torn, Laboratooriumi 33, TALLINN
An OPENING EVENT will be held on Thursday 28th of April at 18.00, with a live performance by singer Kadri Mägi, bringing the ancient Estonian runic songs (regilaul) to life.

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‘Images beneath music’ presents a collection of prints made by Italian printmaker Margherita Paoletti during her 3 month residency Tartu. Through a collaboration between the Estonian Printing Museum in Tartu and the Ukrainian Cultural Center in Tallinn, Margherita set out to explore the musical heritage of Estonia. Her final exhibition ‘Images beneath music’ is an artistic interpretation of various Estonian runic songs.

Margherita Paoletti: “The Italian singer Paolo Conte described true music as ‘the one that makes you smile, and suddenly helps you cry.’ The meaning of this sentence is very close to the essence of Estonian folk songs, in which singing is the musical instrument of the human soul. The main feature of these folk songs is the constant change from a mood of happiness and lightness to the opposite one, made of obscure ad unsettling feelings. After all, the main feature of the human soul is a constant turmoil of emotions, an unexpected chance between night and day, the endless dispute of opposites. ‘Images beneath music’ is a personal collection of all the states of mind gathered by Estonian folk songs and filtered through a simple artist’s point of view.”

Margherita Paoletti was born on June 24th 1990 in Fabriano, Italy. She graduated in 2012 in Illustration and Animation at IED in Rome and obtained her master degree in Illlustration and Graphic Design at Isia, in Urbino the past year. During her studies she had the opportunity to explore and deepen the old art of engraving, which became her main means of expression.

Margherita’s residency and exhibition have been made possible by the Tartu Artist in Residence programme. For the first time, the programme had the opportunity to collaborate with the Ukrainian Cultural Center in Tallinn, working together with the artist on making paper to print and exploring the folksong traditions in Estonia.

More information:

Facebook event Tartu:

Facebook event Tallinn:

Margherita Paoletti: and
Tartu Artist in Residence programme:
Ukrainian Cultural Center:
Estonian Printing Museum:

Thanks to: Estonian Printing Museum, Ukrainian Cultural Center, Auli Kütt, Kadri Mägi, Tartu City Government, Erasmus+ and EstYES (MTÜ Noortevahetuse Arengu Ühing EstYES).


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