TYPA ResidencyArtist in residence

27.01.2016 | 19.00 | Trükimuuseum

Estonian-American artist Markus Puskar is concluding his 1 month residency with an exhibition of the works which he has created in Tartu.


Markus is a visual artist primarily working with ink and acrylic paint. He is working on acquiring his BA from the University of Maryland. His residency in Tartu is his first at the outset of his career in art.

“Throughout my residency in Tartu, I have spent time reflecting on what makes up my identity. For the first time in my life, I have had time entirely to myself, which has allowed me to consider what has been contributing to the face that I present to the world. To document this self-assessment, I have been refining a style that details this process of self-reflection through drawings and paintings of the faces that influence me. Come see what I’ve created in an attempt to unscramble it all – my heritage, social pressures, dreams, and pitfalls.”

Markus would be very open to discussion and talks afterwards, even in Estonian if desired!

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