Pavel and Radmilla, participants of the musical project Delicate Features, worked for three months at Tartu Artist in Residence on a new musical project related to the culture of Setu. On the show on October 24-th, they will present several new songs and improvisations based on Setumaa’s folk songs. And closer to the end of the show, they will also play a more dance program – tracks from their latest album “Pure”.
DF has previously released three albums of abstract, ambient, downtempo and leftfield sounds that are mesmerising and always original. The tracks for the new EP “Pure” were written between 2015 and 2018 and are united by “the melancholy of time which runs and never comes back.” The couple sees their music as poetry and says most of these pieces were inspired by Russian poet Vasily Filippov, who spent much of his life in a mental health hospital. As such they are superbly reflective and inward affairs about loneliness and “the melancholy of departure”. The inevitability of parting.
The concert “Split Lands” takes place on the 24th of October at 7 pm at Genialistide Klubi.
Free entrance.
Delicate Features are in Tartu as part of the Tartu Artist in Residence program. The TAiR program is implemented by the Estonian Print and Paper Museum and financed by the City of Tartu, Estonia’s Cultural Endowment and Gambling Tax Council. For more information about the project and future artists, visit