TYPA ResidencyArtist in residence

British printmaker and experimentalist Charlotte Biszewski is opening her exhibition on March 22 at 7 pm at the Printing Museum’s Gallery.

„In Type and Cyan“ is an experimental exhibition investigating how stories are told. During two months in residence, artist Charlotte Biszewski has investigated how to integrate collaborative storytelling in visual art. Inviting participants around Tartu to participate through typing anonymous questions and answers on typewriters, using these texts to inspire both a series of photographic work and an interactive installation piece.
Bringing ancient techniques in carbon printing and cyanotype, she has investigated how interactive inks and contemporary tools
can embed stories within images.



We wish to thank all the institutions who collaborated in this project: Tartu Kunstimuuseum, Tartu Kunstimaja / Tartu Art House, Tartu ülikooli loodusmuuseum and Tartu Oskar Lutsu nimeline Linnaraamatukogu

The exhibition will be open from March 22 to April 22. Estonian Print and Paper Museum’s Gallery is located in the courtyard of Kastani 48f, instructions on how to enter the museum are here:

Charlotte Biszewski:

The exhibition is supported by: Estonian Print and Paper Museum, the City of Tartu, Estonia’s Cultural Endowment, Gambling Tax Council
Charlotte Biszewski is in Tartu as part of the Tartu municipal residency program. The Tartu Artist in Residence program is financed by the City of Tartu and implemented by the Estonian Print and Paper Museum. For more information about the project and future artists, visit


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