TYPA ResidencyArtist in residence

Andrew Weatherill is an Australian printmaker who’s artwork stands out with a great variety of techniques. At the moment, his main way of artistic expression is the intaglio technique. During his one month residency, Andrew wishes to explore the architecture of Estonia’s National Museum in order to use some of the bold lines and forms for inspiration.

As well as producing new printed artworks I also intend to explore how these can be displayed to challenge the way the viewer engages with two-dimensional artwork within the studio space. When I present my artworks my intention is to contribute to the role the shifting nature of perception plays through the development of my installation work.

Folded Form. Aquatint, intaglio.

Pool in Green, 2014. Lithograph with screen printing.

In addition to exploring the local architecture and printing at the Printing Museum, Andrew wishes to connect with locals through a workshop. His aim is to introduce the fascinating printmaking techniques and to prove its ability as an art form. You can take a closer look at Andrew’s artistic practice on his website.



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