
Learn to bind and print with our handmade notebook workshop.

Make a beautiful and unique notebook with recycled cardboard covers and white sheets.

You can print a picture of your choice on the front cover with our linocut or metal blocks. Learn a simple binding technique to sew the cover onto the inside pages. A simple but effective notebook!

Number of participants:up to 25
Duration per participant:15 min
Appropriate for ages:6 and over
Minimum price:€20


Postcard printing

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NEW! Drypoint workshop

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Blind embossing

7 August 2023

Linocut with blind embossing and ink printing

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Manhole Cover Printing

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Museum tour

20 July 2021

Virtual tour

20 July 2021

Linocut with ink printing

12 July 2021

Notebook Workshop

12 July 2021

Cyanotype on Fabric

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Fabric Printing

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12 July 2021

Cyanotype on Paper

12 July 2021

Handmade Paper

12 July 2021