
Linocut is one of the most simple and classic printmaking techniques where the printing plate is hand cut from linoleum. As the name suggests, the image is first cut into linoleum, ink is rolled onto the surface, and paper is pressed onto the surface.  The finished image can be put on the wall, it can be turned into a greeting card or a notebook cover.

To prepare, it is good to come with a plan, we recommend finding an image for inspiration.

NB! The image must be black and white, gradients cannot be printed with linocut.

Number of participants:up to 10
Duration per participant:60–90 min
Appropriate for ages:12 and over
Minimum price:€40


*Discount price: kids, students (up to 26 years old), retired people, disabled people.

See also Linocut with Blind Embossing and Ink Printing


Postcard printing

3 September 2024

NEW! Drypoint workshop

18 August 2024

Blind embossing

7 August 2023

Linocut with blind embossing and ink printing

7 August 2023

Manhole Cover Printing

22 August 2021

Museum tour

20 July 2021

Virtual tour

20 July 2021

Linocut with ink printing

12 July 2021

Notebook Workshop

12 July 2021

Cyanotype on Fabric

12 July 2021

Fabric Printing

12 July 2021


12 July 2021

Cyanotype on Paper

12 July 2021

Handmade Paper

12 July 2021