TYPA activities are partly financed by the Ministry of Culture and the Tartu City Government through an operating grant, on a project basis by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia, the Youth Agency of the Archimedes Foundation, and others. A significant part of TYPA’s budget consists of own revenues. Nevertheless, there would be no TYPA without our many supporters, donors, and contributors. We would like to thank the following people and companies, who have all contributed to the achievement of our common goals in one way or another.
Anne and Aire Aland; Jürgen Alliksaar; Anna Aret; Anu-Li, Oliver and Mia Leena Aruvald; Kärt Einasto; Arnold, Egert, and Hele Everaus; Vaike Hang; Heli Hinto; Irina and Nikita Ivanov; Jürgen Jacobsen; Helle-Mall Jürison; Jaan Kaplinski; Maria Karolin; Ingrid and Sten Kasak; Ann Kraut; Kalli Kukk; Mari-Liis Leis; Tõnu Liias; Esper Linask; Daniel Mellis; Aarne Mesikäpp; Tõnis Mets; Jaan Muna; Ants and Tiia Mõrd; Pirjo Mõttus; Aaren Pillesaar: Piia Põldmaa; Tiina Põllu and Thomas Hoffman; Sirje Põder; Krista Roosi; Lehti Saag; Silvi Salupere; Tõnu Selirand; Janek Sonn; Tõnu Soosõrv; Peeter Sotnik; Tiina Tamm; Tiina Tammeorg; Siiri Telling; Ants Truus; Tõnu Runnel; Berk Vaher and Katre Kikas; Liisi Toom; Michael Walsh; and the many people who have supported us while wishing to stay anonymous.
TYPA is a participant in Erasmus+ European Voluntary Service project, funded by the Youth Agency of the Archimedes Foundation. We also participate in many other projects in co-operation with the Estonian Academy of Arts, the Pallas University of Applied Sciences, the Prima Vista Festival, Tartu 2024, Tartu Art School, Tartu Children’s Art School, the University of Tartu, and Tartu Nature House.
You can support our museum through donations, financial contributions, or voluntary work. If you are interested in lending us a helping hand, please contact us at typa@typa.ee to discuss options.