Ritva Karhu was an artist in residence at TYPA from 2024 December–January. . During her residency she focused on cyanotype and experimented with its possibilities.

She writes about her residency:
“I am soon to be a graduated photographer from Central Finland. I had the honor of spending my internship at TYPA. Papermaking, notebooks, linocut, but specifically I had time to dive into the world of cyanotype. To try, test, practice, find, create and be amazed.

Cyanotype is an unforeseen and even random method, but that’s also the reason why it’s so fascinating. Paper quality, used solution, ways to make paper light sensitive, choices when processing an image, light exposure time, all those have their own effect. Cyanotype for me was a continuous adventure and it still is. In Tartu I loved all the wonderful, beautiful and old trees. So, of course, those trees ended up on my cyanotypes.

I’m so grateful for my time at TYPA. The cozy, creative and unique atmosphere, all the lovely and friendly people, inspiring ideas, possibility to learn and try new things, and museum cat Ruby, they all took my heart.”
You can find more information about Ritva and her works @ritvakarhuphotowords on Instagramm and her website www.ritvakarhu.fi