TYPA keskusSündmus

TYPA is looking for a team of  ESC volunteers to work for 2 weeks as part of a Volunteering teams project, with a focus on Monotype, letterpress printing and binding.

TYPA is a unique institution, dedicated to the preservation of print heritage and promotion of international cultural exchange. We are a top-rated museum, providing hands-on tours for our visitors, and as a ‘working museum’, we put all our historical print machines to good use. We are heavily involved in numerous other activities surrounding the promotion of artistic printmaking, book publishing and papermaking. Volunteers have the opportunity to work within our small team and become involved in the various tasks which surround museum life. The work is often hands-on and varied. One day you could be assisting with a linocut workshop with kids, the next could be making notebooks for our shop-corner. We have experience hosting many ESC volunteers and each one has contributed a unique aspect to our project. 

You will be living in a shared room in a shared dormitory. Kitchen, toilets etc will be shared. The dormitory will have the usual amenities, furniture, dishes, bedsheets. You will be provided with a small daily allowance for food and living expenses. Tartu is a relatively small city, so most locations are within walking distance. Tartu is a safe, clean and green city, with a great cultural scene. 

The volunteer will be provided with training with a focus on monotype casting, keyboard operation, monotype caster operation, as well as letterpress printing and binding. We will need assistance with printing and binding our monotype artistic ABC book.

We are looking for volunteers from June 9th until the 22nd 2025.
The volunteers will help us set, cast and print our letterpress ABC book. Volunteers should have some previous letterpress printing or bookbinding experience and be ready to get their hands dirty. Due to the funding constraints, volunteers must be aged 30 or under and come from a European or partner country. Please check the links to find out more details.

To apply, please send a motivational letter and CV, detailing any previous experience, and your motivation to join this training and volunteering program with the European Solidarity Corps

We will accept applications until the 1st of April. 
Contact: charlotte@typa.ee
Email Heading: ESC Volunteer at TYPA

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